18 d’oct. 2014

Freddy Krueger

A finals de la setmana passada em van preguntar si podria fer un Freddy Krueger d'amigurumi i com sempre jo dic que si, si després no surt doncs ja veig com m'ho faig... :p
Així que a principis d'aquesta setmana m'hi vaig posar, vaig aprofitar el patró que vaig fer pel Batman i Robin, els podeu veure aquí, i vaig anar modificant segons anava fent i ja tinc un  nou patró!
At the end of last week asked me if I could make a Freddy Krueger amigurumi and as always I said yes, and then if doesn't go work I'll look how to fix it...
So at the begining of this week I started, I used the pattern that I made to crochet Batman and Robin, you can see them here, and I was changing while I was working and now I have a new pattern!

Ja està entregat i em consta que ja està donat i que ha agradat molt!
Already delivered and I know that is already given and like it very much!

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